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total solution for mobility
矯形腳托 Ankle foot orthosis


20 – 45度:
除了定期接受專科醫生治療及觀察外,亦需配戴矯形腰背架防止進一步側彎及惡化。“波士頓 – 矯形腰背架”是一個有效的選擇。其原理是利用物理及生物力學把屈曲變形的脊椎推回一個接近正常的位置。

脊椎側彎腰背架一般須要佩戴至骨骼成長期完成,一般為14 – 16歲左右。如果希望獲得最好效果,建議每天穿著腰背架超過20小時。因此,腰背架的大小、外觀及舒適度對兒童是很重要的考慮。穿戴期間亦須每半年作定期檢查及跟進。

Below 20 degrees:
Exercise and observation by medical professionals is followed by regular check-up.
20 – 45 degrees:
Bracing, check-up by medical professionals and exercise are needed. Boston Brace is an effective choice for controlling scoliosis. This brace exerts bio-mechanical forces on specific regions of the spine in order to prevent progressive deterioration.
As spinal shape changes rapidly during puberty, brace should be worn for more than 20 hours daily until the bone is matured (around the age of 14 – 16), with the follow-up examinations performed twice a year.
45 degrees or above
Surgical treatment is advised to correct the problem or prevent deterioration.