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香港兒童脊椎側彎舒適新支架 – 波士頓腰背架

根據衛生署統計,香港兒童脊椎側彎 (圖一)的比例正在上升,達到約8%。其中女性對男性的比例是大約9:1,發生的年紀多為10 – 16歲。如這階段處理不當,會容易導致腰背痛、肺活量減少及呼吸短促等現象,另外脊椎關節在長期受力不均之下,多半衍生成退化性關節炎,如果側彎度數過大,甚至會影響心肺功能或對腹腔增壓,導致日後心肺功能障礙。

圖一:脊椎側彎 Scoliosis
現在大部分患有20 – 40度脊椎側彎的兒童都會配用公立醫院度身訂造的腰背架,訂製時間一般比較長,由骨科醫生轉介至獲得脊椎側彎腰背架往往要等待長達超過半年。

由於青少年10 -16歲正處於發育期,患有脊椎側彎的兒童1-2個月內如沒有適當跟進,脊椎的側彎角度便會很容易加劇惡化。而且,醫院提供的傳統腰背架設計體積比較大,覆蓋範圍達至上胸,有如機械人一樣 (圖二),對兒童的心理亦造成抗拒感。

圖二:傳統腰背架 Conventional Scoliosis Brace
最近市場出現一種新型脊椎側彎腰背架,命名為波士頓腰背架 (Boston Brace)

波士頓腰背架 Boston Scoliosis Brace


Boston Brace brief introduction
The Boston bracing system was developed as a cooperative venture between Bill Miller, CPO and John Hall, MD since 1972. Many studies over the years have shown and proven its effectiveness. It is accepted the brace treatment can alter the natural history or moderate idiopathic scoliosis and the Boston bracing system has been at the forefront of conservative treatment for over 30 years

波士頓腰背架的設計特點是:Boston Brace Design Feature:

  1. 質地硬,較為結實,所以開口可以較低及簡約;

好處:穿著後外觀不易察覺,甚至還可穿著牛仔褲包裹,兒童心態上容易接受,願意穿著。(圖四A, 圖4B)

  1. Utilize rigid and light-weight material, so the brace anterior opening can be lower.
Advantage: The brace can be concealed easily behind the dressing clothes. Children are more willing to accept wearing this brace.
圖四A:穿著後 圖四B:穿著衣服後亦不易察覺
2. 內層:全軟墊層;


2. Inner Layer: Adopt the patent high density anti-allergy soft padding.
Advantage: Comfort, easy to clean and avoid pressure point

3. 對稱性的設計:


3.Symmetrical bracing design:
Advantage: The very heart of the principle of the system is the correct the asymmetric spine toward normal, avoiding the scoliosis progression and occurrence of compensatory spinal deformities.

圖五:穿上波士頓腰背架後控制脊柱側彎的傾側角度 Scoliosis Curvature can be controlled by Boston Brace

脊椎側彎腰背架一般須要佩戴至骨骼成長期完成,一般為14 – 16歲左右。如果希望獲得最好效果,建議每天穿著腰背架超過20小時。因此,腰背架的大小、外觀及舒適度對兒童是很重要的考慮。

The best age for wearing boston brace is 14 - 16. 20-hour wearing per day is advised for best effect. The brace size, appearence and the overall comfort are the vital consideration for Scoliosis Brace Selection.

價目:波士頓腰背架 + 檢查費用:HK$7,500 (往後每次的跟進及修改:免費)
Price: Boston Brace + Assessment: HK$7,500 (follow-up: free-of-charge)