扁平足 / 寬扁足 Flat Foot / Pronated Foot
定義 扁平足:內側足弓完全下陷 寬扁足:足弓偏低,未完全下陷
Definition Flat Foot: Total collapse of medial foot arch Pronated Foot: Partial collapse of medial foot arch
後足:呈外翻狀態 Reafoot: medial tilting
腳內側壓力過大 =>容易導致拇趾外翻、足底筋膜炎等足患
Abnormal great pressure concentrate on the medial foot
Lead to hallux valgus, plantar fasciitis…etc
影響其他關節的正常活動,引致肌肉、小腿甚至腰部的關節勞損。 Flat foot contributes to muscle, calf and low back pain, and eventually adversely affects normal joint movements.